Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas Tree & S'mores

So Monday we put up the Christmas tree! My brother Cory came over and helped since Wayde was at work. We put the tree up while Heidi was in the bathtub so that when I got her out she was surprised to see that there was a big 10 foot tree in the middle of out livingroom. She was so excited because she got to help decorate it! It was a good thing because we have A LOT of ornaments!

Afterwards, we had S'mores! They were really good and gooey!!! It took Heidi a while just to eat one s'more! This was a nice treat after all the hard work we did!

Heidi loves the tree because it is mostly blue! Blue is her favorite color. She kept saying,"Mommy it's so beautiful!". It made me happy to see her so excited. I was almost as excited as her because last Christmas we never got around to putting up the tree. So this year it feels like a REAL Christmas!

Here's Heidi, before we put up the tree coloring, with her best friend Roxy. They love each other so much! : )