Friday, January 23, 2009

The Hospital, The Harley & The Happy Bedtime Bugs!!

So today was a very full day for me. I got a call waking me up this morning and it was my mom telling me that she was on her way to the emergency room with my Granny. Long story short, my Granny has an irregular heartbeat right now and they want to keep her in the hospital for a couple days until it goes back to normal.

So I have been at the hospital all day until tonight. Or should I say today since its past midnight?!?! Anyhoo....when Wayde came home tonight, he wanted to go out. I was so excited because we haven't been out 'just us' in a while. We went to one of our favorite places in Gulf Shores, Alabama, 'Indigo Joe's'. Wayde got a philly cheesesteak sandwich and I got a grilled ahi tuna sandwich; since I'm eating healthy. It was really good food and we rode Wayde's mom's Harley motorcycle. Wayde will be riding it for the next 6 weeks because his mom got foot surgery and can't ride for a while. It was fun to ride. Usually I ride with Wayde on his yamaha. It is smaller but still fun. I haven't rode in a while though. It was kinda cold so I got to wear my leather riding jacket for the first time. I felt like a biker babe!!! : )

So I have posted some pictures that I took of Wayde and Heidi before I tucked them both into bed!! As you can see they were both in good moods before they went to sleep. I hope I sleep good tonight too!! Goodnight!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Alrighty then.....

Ummmm...yea...well, I guess the blog thing might not have been such a great idea 2 months ago! ha ha I have got to make myself write on this thing every so often. Christmas and New Years has come and gone since the last time I wrote. A lot has happened. Wayde has been at his new job at Columbia Southern University for over a month and he is loving every minute of it. He is in the IT dept. workin' up a storm every day. Heidi is just being Heidi every day driving me nuts!! But I love her and wouldn't have it any other way. Above is a pic of her swinging at the park a few days ago!! Things are finally starting to calm down since the holidays. I have beem getting a lot of things done here at home. I guess you could call it 'spring cleaning', although its not technically spring yet. I have just been going through clothes and giving them to the Waterfront Mission and people who need them. Last week I started a weight loss program with my mom and 2 other friends. We are all on a team and we have to lose atleast 10 pounds a piece in the next 10 weeks. The name of the program is "Scale Back Alabama". Depending on which team loses the most weight the winners get a cash prize based on weight loss. Anyway, I weighed myself this morning, which has been exactly a week since it started, and I have lost 4 pounds. I am so excited. I set my goal at 2 pounds a week so I am already ahead of schedule. yay me! Well, I am here in bed on the laptop and Wayde is asleep, so I will post again soon. Hopefully I will get some more pics on here! :)